
Orchestra Party at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch!

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, Oct. 11, 6-8 p.m. 

It’s a MNHS Orchestra tradition to gather at Vala’s to hang out, meet other orchies, and enjoy this Nebraska fall tradition. 

Who? All Millard north HS orchestra students and their families
When? Wednesday, oct. 11, 6-8 PM
where? Vala’s Pumpkin Patch, 12102 S. 180 St., Gretna, NE at Site #19 (In the Corn stalk teepee area)!
Cost? Admission on wednesdays is $18.69 per person (plus tax)
What to Bring? Go to this website to RSVP and sign up for your food item(s)!

MN Orchestra will provide plasticware and napkins.
Please bring skewers/roasting sticks to share – label with your name!
Check the weather to see what clothes you should wear! It can get chilly! You will probably need a jacket!

We will gather at site #19 for a cookout dinner and socialization.

Students are free to explore the pumpkin patch with their friends.

Mrs. Martinez will stay from 5:30-8:00 p.m. The orchestra-sponsored event ends at 8:00 p.m. The pumpkin patch is open until 9 PM, and students may stay with parent knowledge/permission.

See this link for our flyer.

*This is not a required activity but will earn students letter points and lifetime memories!

Orchestra Party at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch! Read More »

UNO: Be A Music Major For A Day!

Ever wonder what it’s like to be a music major in the Strauss Performing Arts Center? Here’s your chance!

Attend college classes.

  • Learn about our music degree options and careers in music.
  • Experience student performances and project demonstrations.
  • Take a private lesson with UNO Faculty.
  • Perform with UNO students in ensemble rehearsals.

Click or Scan barcode to reserve your spot now for Monday, October 9 from 8am to 4pm.

6305 University Dr. North Omaha, NE

UNO: Be A Music Major For A Day! Read More »

Football Concessions

Our next game at Millard South High School is 10/05/23, 6:00pm – 9:00pm.

One adult and student slot available for the 10/05/23 game!  
Sign up here!
Our stand will be the one to your right when you enter.
Tell the person checking bracelets that you are working concessions, so you don’t have to pay.

Football Concessions Read More »

First concert is Thursday, Sept. 28 @7 PM!

All Symphony Orchestra students (from 1st, 2nd, and 6th hours) are to report to the auditorium on 09/28/23 during 2nd hour for our only rehearsal as a full ensemble.

This is a required, graded assignment for all MNHS Orchestra students.  Orchestra students report at 6:30 PM for warm-ups; concert should conclude by 8:15 PM. 

First concert is Thursday, Sept. 28 @7 PM! This is a required, graded assignment for all MNHS Orchestra students.
The concert theme is Moved – each ensemble has prepared one or more movements of a larger work (by Telemann, Tchaikovsky, and Vivaldi) as well as a piece of music that is meant to move the listener emotionally (including an arrangement of an Irish hymn tune, a rock-style tune written for orchestra, and a hoe-down!)
Orchestra students report at 6:30 PM for warm-ups; concert should conclude by 8:15 PM.

We do have a concert attire dress code – long-sleeved black dress shirt, black dress slacks, black dress shoes, black dress socks that go to mid-calf. More detailed guidelines may be found in the orchestra handbook.

Please sign up to bring refreshments! We only have half the slots filled, and we’ll need more to make sure all performers and attendees get to eat!

MN Orch concerts are a good time! Please plan to attend and invite your friends and family as well! Our kids do great work – it will be an evening to remember! We have our concerts recorded by a professional videographer, who also provides a livestream on YouTube, so friends and family can watch from wherever they may be! Please share the link sent by Mrs. Martinez with your friends and families!

Program Link

First concert is Thursday, Sept. 28 @7 PM! Read More »

Handbook Signature – due Aug. 21!

Your child’s first assignment requires parent participation! 

Part 1: Students will review the Orchestra Handbook in class on Thursday and will have a chance to complete the Student Version of the handbook signature form.

Part 2: Parents and Guardians – please review the handbook, paying special attention to pages 2-7 for concert dates and other important expectations.  Once you have the concert dates marked in the family calendar, please complete the Parent Version of the handbook signature form. 

Once both steps have been completed, the points will go in the gradebook.  Please complete both forms by Monday, Aug. 21.

Handbook Signature – due Aug. 21! Read More »

First Days, when to bring Instruments

All students bring instruments to school starting tomorrow, Aug. 15!

Instruments can stay at school until Friday, or students can pick them up to bring home daily. Students can drop instruments off in the storage closet before their first class and can get their instruments after school before 3:25 p.m. or after 4:10 p.m. to allow 8th hour forensics class uninterrupted class time.

Do double check your instrument for maintenance: purchasing a new set of strings and getting the bow rehaired are great ways to start ready to make your best sound!

First Days, when to bring Instruments Read More »