
District Music Large Ensemble Contest

April 19th, 2023
Performance time is 7:50
Burke High School

Only 1st hour Chamber Orchestra students perform.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend and cheer us on!

We will meet at MNHS, orchestra room at 5:50 PM to load the buses.  We must leave by 6:10 p.m.

We will arrive at Burke High School (12200 Burke St.) by 6:30 p.m.; leave instruments in the homeroom.  Depending on timing, we may watch Millard West (7:00 p.m.) perform.  After that, we will go to our warm-up room for precision tuning and warm-up.  *BRING YOUR TUNER/TUNING APP.

Our warm-up time is 7:25 P.M. in the band room and our performance time is 7:50 p.m. in the auditorium.

We will load the bus after we perform and return to MNHS around 9:00 p.m.

ALL STUDENTS MUST RIDE THE BUS.  If you need to arrive from or leave for an activity before/after we perform, Mrs. Martinez needs an email or note from your parent and you will need to provide your own transportation.  

This is a required, graded, activity for first hour Symphony Orchestra students.  Because Music does not have a state-level competition, District Music Contest is our activity’s equivalent of State!

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Orchestra Concert April 11, 2023

7:00 pm – 8:15 pm
April 11, 2023

Concert time: 7pm – 8:15pm


This is a required, graded assignment for all MNHS Orchestra students. 

Post-Concert Treats – the day after concerts, students like to reflect, relax, and celebrate with a food day!  Please consider signing up to send treats with your student on Wednesday, April 12.

MN Orchestra concerts are a good time!  Please plan to attend and invite your friends and family as well!  Our kids do great work – it will be an evening to remember!

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9th Grade Recital

Wednesday, March 15, 12:15-1:15 p.m.

9th grade recital @MNHS Auditorium – Info letter.

Your son/daughter has spent the last several weeks rehearsing in small chamber ensembles. The culminating activity for this project is a recital.

If you are able to attend, please use the main entrance at Millard North High School. Sign in at the security desk. You will need your driver’s license/state issued photo ID.  You will get a visitor’s badge.  Then you can head down to the auditorium.

Please arrive no earlier than 12:05 PM. You will be seated between 12:05 and 12:15 PM. Student groups will perform starting at 12:15 PM; recital order will be communicated the week before the recital. The recital will conclude by 1:15 p.m.

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Tri-Millard Orchestra Concert

On March 9th, 2023 1st hour Chamber Orchestra will perform at the second annual Tri-Millard Orchestra Concert. This special event will be held at Millard West High School (5710 S. 176 Ave. Omaha, NE 68135) from 7:00-9:00 pm

Millard North Orchestra students need to arrive at 6:30 pm.  All students are expected to be in concert black and in the band room by 6:30 pm.

When you arrive, park in the front of the building (east parking lot) and enter through the main entrance. Then head to the band room. (Each orchestra has a secure location for their belongings and to use as a warmup room):

Warmup/case locations

  • Millard North = Band Room
  • Millard South = Blackbox across the lobby from the auditorium
  • Millard West = Orchestra room.

This special event will be held at Millard West High School (5710 S. 176 Ave. Omaha, NE 68135) from 7:00-9:00 pm and will feature performances by the symphony orchestras of all three Millard High Schools (North, South, & West).  This will be an adjudicated performance where each orchestra will perform their first draft of their District Music Contest repertoire for a panel of esteemed judges.  After their performance, they will be given a clinic by one of the judges on how to improve their performance for the District Music Contest.  This year’s judges/clinicians are Dr. Ting-lan Chen and Dr. Rogoff from the University of Nebraska – Kearney.

In addition to providing an opportunity for each orchestra to stage their performance, we hope to build a better relationship with each school orchestra program as we share our hard work and music with each other.  Students of each orchestra will also fill the role of audience member when they’re not performing or in the clinic and are therefore requested to stay for the duration of the event unless otherwise cleared by your orchestra teacher.

More info and itinerary.

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March 7th Concert Details for Helpers

Sign Up Genius for jobs linked here.

Set Up Crew:
Part 1 – Arrive to MNHS auditorium by 7 a.m. on March 7 to set up chairs and instruments
Part 2 – Come back at 3:30 PM to finalize set up chairs, stands, podium, piano, risers, and percussion equipment.  

  • Podium, conductor stand, scores, and baton center stage
  • 192 chairs, 80 stands for strings; 22 chairs, 22 stands for winds; percussion chairs and stands as needed to cover parts (at least 5 of each)
  • Front row (A) – 8 chairs, 4 stands
  • Row 2 (B) – 12 chairs, 6 stands
  • Row 3 (C) – 16 chairs, 8 stands
  • Row 4 (D) – 20 chairs, 10 stands
  • Row 5 (E) – 24 chairs, 12 stands
  • Row 6 (F) – 28 chairs, 14 stands
  • Row 7 (G) – 30 chairs, 15 stands
  • Row 8 (H) – 22 chairs, 11 stands
  • Row 9 (I) – 29 chairs, 20 stands
  • 3 levels of risers, 2 risers per level *we may not have space for risers*
    • Level 1 – 7 chairs, 7 stands (flutes/clarinets)
    • Level 2 – 5 chairs, 5 stands (horns/bass clarinet/bassoon)
    • Level 3 – 7 chairs, 7 stands (trumpets/trombones/tuba)
  • Percussion equipment and stands. 
  • Block off seats in audience for middle schoolers.
  • Curtains – back curtain down, legs adjusted
  • Microphone
  • Nametags/numbers on chairs
  • Signs on doors
    • North Middle in girls’ dressing room
    • Kiewit in boy’s dressing room
    • North High in band room
    • Overflow in choir room
  • Post seating chart spreadsheet in MPR and dressing rooms.
  • Programs
  • Door monitors
  • Light monitors

Tear Down Crew:

Arrive to MNHS auditorium by 7:15 p.m. to watch concert and put away chairs and equipment afterwards.   When concert ends and stage clears, stack chairs, rack stands, put risers and piano back, move everything where it goes, make sure stage, choir room, orchestra room, band room look like they did before we were here!

  • Stands on Stand racks.
  • Chairs returned to racks.
  • Podium to MPR
  • Music picked up for filing
  • Signs and chair stickers removed and recycled
  • Percussion equipment returned to band room
  • Stage completely cleared by 9 p.m.

Stage Managers:

Description: Be on hand 5:30 p.m.-end of concert backstage/at sound booth to control lights and handle any other issues that come up during the performance (i.e. chair/stand malfunctions, runner, flow control, etc.)


Description: Arrive by 5:30 p.m. – Before concert: Direct concertgoers and performers to where they need to be.  Pass out programs to attendees at main entrance.  

During concert: Help late-comers find seats as needed.  Man the exits to help people remember that they should only enter in between pieces.  Close the doors when the concert starts and open the main doors when the concert ends.

After the concert: open the doors.  Tell audience “Thanks for coming!”

Middle School Ambassadors:

Description: Arrive at 5:30 p.m.  Be in the rooms with your assigned middle school.  North is in choir room, Kiewit is in dressing rooms.  Lead the kids out to the auditorium for the rehearsal, then sit with them during Alt. Styles and Concerto performance, then lead them to the stage for their part of the concert.  Be on hand afterward if they need help finding things, getting cleaned up, and heading home.

Printable version of this document.

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March 7th Concert with KMS and NMS

This is a required concert for all Symphony Orchestra students. Some are performing, some are helping.

Refreshments will be served in the cafeteria after the concert. Please sign up here to donate!

Pdf of Program

Concert details for performers – Plan to arrive at MNHS by 6:00 p.m. Rehearsal starts promptly at 6:15 P.M. The concert will begin at 7:30 PM.

  • Plan to arrive to MNHS by 6 PM. 
  • Unpack in the orchestra room. 
  • Find your spot on the stage. 
  • Meet and converse with your middle school buddy. 
  • Rehearse attentively from 6:15-7:15 PM. 
  • Concert starts at 7:30 p.m. 

Concert Attire – Wear your orchestra attire as outlined in the orchestra handbook.

At 6:15 p.m. all students should be in the MNHS auditorium ready for instructions from the directors. We will rehearse the combined orchestra (approximately 160 orchestra members) from 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Concert order this year will be MNHS Alternative Styles Ensemble, MNHS 1st hour Orchestra +winds/percussion, featuring cello soloist Eshaan Giri, followed by the combined orchestras (Kentucky Jam, Gabriel’s Oboe, The Magnificent Seven).

While the students are rehearsing for the concert, there will be an informal meeting for 8th grade orchestra parents, led by current MNHS Orchestra Parents and selected MNHS Orchestra Students, to orientate them on the MNHS orchestra program and the opportunities their children will have as members of the MNHS orchestra program. These parents and students will talk briefly about what orchestra is like, performance groups, orchestra parent participation and will be able to answer questions attendees have about the orchestra program. This meeting will run from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the orchestra room (1520) – which is in the music wing. Parents – if you are willing to serve on the panel, please email Mrs. M 🙂

The concert will be over by 8:30 p.m. There is no admission charge, although donations are always welcomed!

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