December 5, 2024
MN Orchestra Concert is required for all students.
We will host guest orchestras from Burke High School at this concert.
We appreciate donations of refreshments for our post-concert celebration.
The program is here.
This concert is a collaboration between Burke and MNHS Orchestras! Timeline is as follows:
5:45 pm - Burke call time/any available MNHS section leaders arrive to help
Burke will unpack in room 1520
6:00 pm - Burke’s soundcheck on stage
6:15 pm - MNHS arrives - Philharmonic unpacks in 1514; Symphony and Chamber in 1518
6:30 pm - combined COTB rehearsal in auditorium (Burke and MNHS)
6:45 pm - house opens for auditorium seating.
7:00 pm - Concert begins!
8:30 pm - Approximate concert end-time