Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer This Summer!

The fireworks stand is a great way to serve our Millard community while meeting other orchestra families!

Sign up to work the fireworks stand, run by the Mustang Booster Club! 

A cut of the profits will go toward funding orchestra activities! Available times are Monday, July 1 from 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and Tuesday, July 2 from 6-10 p.m. Thanks in advance for your help! (Students can earn orchestra letter points and volunteer hours from serving.)

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All Millard Chaperones

Monday, January 29th

It’s helpful to have at least 5 chaperones for morning rehearsal (8 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.) and 3 for afternoon rehearsal (11:45 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.). Parents/legal guardians – please consider volunteering! If you are available to chaperone, indicate on the online permission form.

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Booster Club Liaison

We are looking for 1 more orchestra parent to serve as orchestra liaison to the Mustang Booster Club!

Thank you, Mrs. Bearinger, for stepping up to be one of our liaisons! Please email her at djmartin@mpsomaha.org if you can volunteer!

  • MBC (Mustang Booster Club) The Mustang Booster Club provides the SmugMug platform for sports, clubs and organizations to upload photos!  It looks like participation has decreased the past few years but we’d love to see more activities add photos to the site!  This is a great way for parents to access photos & download for senior collages, awards night, etc.

And you can check out the Parent Contact List to update for the 2023-24 school year & help us communicate with your groups. A link to the contact list is included in the Orchestra’s ParentVue email issued on 09/27/23.

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Football Concessions

Our next game at Millard South High School is 10/05/23, 6:00pm – 9:00pm.

One adult and student slot available for the 10/05/23 game!  
Sign up here!

Our stand will be the one to your right when you enter.
Tell the person checking bracelets that you are working concessions, so you don’t have to pay.

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First Concert

September 28, 2023 – 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm

Sign up here to provide concert snacks!

We only have half the slots filled, and we’ll need more to make sure all performers and attendees get to eat!

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Craft Fair

Orchestra students and families are invited to volunteer to set up at our annual craft fair on Friday, Oct. 27, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Orchestra students who volunteer will earn letter points for orchestra (community outreach) and can earn volunteer hours for MYP, etc.

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