
Honors Opportunities

UNO BOCH Festival U.N.O. has a neat honor orchestra called the BOCH Festival that meets January 27/28.  Auditions are due to the UNO website by Nov. 28.

  • Audition Requirements:  
    • Solo/Etude: Students who auditioned for their respective all-state orchestra may submit those recordings.  All others should play a standard etude or solo (2-3 minutes) that reflects the technical level of the student.
    • Scales: In addition to the above, each instrument should play one major and one harmonic minor scale (at least 2 octaves, more if possible).  
    • Note: Select students (based on recorded BOCH audition) will be invited to audition for principal or section leader. Principal audition material will be made available on the BOCH Festival website once participant selections are made.

UNL Young Artist Award recognizes Nebraska high school juniors who are talented in art, music, dance, theater, or film and emerging media. Selected students and their families are invited to UNL for Red Letter Day in the spring to see what a career in the arts may be like. Applications are due to the website by Dec. 2.

Concerto Competition entries due Dec. 5: Auditions for performance with the Millard North Orchestra Concert on March 7, should be a well prepared movement from a standard concerto/aria for your instrument/voice.  More information may be found here.

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Carnegie Hall’s National Youth Ensembles

Free Training Opportunities for Extraordinary Teen Musicians

Applications for this is now closed for summer 2023.

Talented musicians ages 14–19 from across the country will come together to form three remarkable ensembles: the National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America (NYO-USA), NYO2, and NYO Jazz.

Join these free programs for the opportunity to train with an all-star faculty of renowned musicians, perform on the famed Carnegie Hall stage, and travel to some of the greatest concert halls around the world.

Click here to learn more and apply!

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December Concert

Our next concert is December 1.  The theme is Jazz for the Journey

We appreciate donations of refreshments for our post-concert celebration.

Here’s a rough draft of the program.

The concert will be livestreamed – our videographer will send the link soon!

Reminder About Concert Attendance

Orchestra is a co-curricular activity, meaning it is considered an academic class (curricular) that has requirements outside of the school day (co-curricular). Several of our orchestra students are engaged in sports, work, and other extracurricular activities. In the event of a conflict, the orchestra concert takes precedence because it is the outcome of our academic work. However, if an orchestra  student can make both game/meet and the concert work, great!  If not, the concert is a graded activity for an academic course, so that takes precedence over games or meets.

Good news – the conflicts are pretty minimal as we only perform 6 times during the year, and this usually only affects one game/meet per season.  When I was in high school, I got to compete in athletics and music and debate, learning many important values and life skills in all of them.  I support our students as they learn about their entire selves through these activities while also upholding the integrity of the ensembles and the work we’ve done to prepare and perform.

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All State: MNHS Orchestra is 24% of the string section!

Congratulations to our 21 students who go to All State Orchestra Nov. 16-18:

  • Violinists:
    • Charles B
    • Ryan D
    • George J
    • Alice L
    • Lucy L
    • Jessica L
    • Calista N
    • Seha O
    • Grace P
    • Callie S (3rd year!)
    • Anna S
    • Noelle W (3rd year!)
    • Izzy Z
  • Violists:
    • Yazeed A
    • Libby M (4th year!)
  • Cellists:
    • Lucas F
    • Kathleen F
    • Eshaan G (4th year!)
    • Jocelyn O
    • Pranaya S
  • Bassist:
    • Grant H
  • Flutist:
    • Samarth S
  • Trumpet:
    • Maddux E.

The final concert is at the Lied Center on Friday, Nov. 18 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at this website if you’d like to attend. 

All Staters – remember our extra rehearsals from 10-noon at MNHS band room on 11/5 and 11/12.

All State: MNHS Orchestra is 24% of the string section! Read More »

Orchestra Party at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch!

Oct. 12, 6-8 p.m.

It’s a MNHS Orchestra tradition to gather at Vala’s to hang out, meet other orchies, and enjoy this Nebraska fall tradition.  Mark your calendars for Wednesday, Oct. 12, 6-8 p.m.  See this link for the poster.

Who? All Millard north HS orchestra students and their families

When? Wednesday, oct. 12, 6-8 PM 

where? Vala’s Pumpkin Patch, 12102 S. 180 St., Gretna, NE at Site #19 (In the Corn stalk teepee area)!

Cost? Admission on wednesdays is $17.99 per person (plus tax) 

What to Bring?

  • Go to this website to RSVP and sign up for your food item(s)!

Sign Up Genius Link – Vala’s Party 

  • MN Orchestra will provide plasticware and napkins
  • Please bring skewers/roasting sticks to share – label with your name!
  • Check the weather to see what clothes you should wear!  It can get chilly!  You will probably need a jacket!

We will gather at site #19 for a cookout dinner and socialization.  

Students are free to explore the pumpkin patch with their friends. 

 Mrs. Martinez will stay from 5:30-8:00 p.m.  The orchestra-sponsored event ends at 8:00 p.m. The pumpkin patch is open until 9 PM, and students may stay with parent knowledge/permission.

*This is not a required activity, but will earn students letter points and lifetime memories!

Orchestra Party at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch! Read More »