
Instrument Maintenance/Step-Up Instruments

Investing in your instrument makes playing more rewarding and instills a sense of pride in one’s performance.  Make sure you maintain your instrument, especially by getting the bow rehaired once per year and getting a quality set of strings (like D’Addario, Dominant, or Pirastro) every 1-2 years. 

If it’s time for a step-up instrument, make sure to reach out to Mrs. Martinez for input before you make the purchase for advice on what to look for!

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Welcome Mrs. Allison Hoffmann

The newest member of our MNHS Music Faculty!  Mrs. Hoffmann joins us as our new Assistant Vocal Music Director. She will also be on hand during first- and second-hour orchestra! Because we were able to add a new faculty member to our music department, we have been able to add a new section of Symphony Orchestra! There are now 2 sections for Symphony – one during 2nd hour and one during 6th hour. Both sections will learn the same curriculum and same concert repertoire but will have the benefit of (slightly:) smaller class sizes, more personalized instruction opportunities, and more scheduling options.

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