May 14, 2022
Young Orchestra Festival: 7:30 – 10:30: Required for 9th grade orchestra, all students in 5th hour Philharmonic Orchestra.
- 7:30 a.m. – Students arrive at Millard South High School, enter through front doors, go to assigned homeroom (room 124) and check in with Mrs. Martinez
- 8:00 a.m. – MN Orchestra warms up (MSHS Band Room)
- 8:30 a.m. – Orchestra performs (Millard South HS Auditorium) and receives clinic with Erin Aguirre (performance is open to public 🙂
- 9:00 a.m. – Orchestra members pack and go watch solo/small ensemble performances
- 10:15 a.m. – Solo/small ensemble concludes – students may be picked up at the flagpole at Millard South.
All students must be picked up by 10:30 a.m. – thank you!
Solo and Small Ensemble Details – Patty Ritchie, judge:
- 9:06 Quartet – Izzy, Jocelyn, Jessica, Lucy
- 9:12 Violin Trio – Rachel, Pujitha, Swara
- 9:24 Solo – Abhishek B
- 9:30 Solo – Sanjith
- 9:36 Solo – Calista
- 9:42 Solo – Izzy
- 9:48 Solo – Miles
- 9:54 Solo – Jessica
- 10:00 Solo – Keerthana
- 10:06 Solo – Sriram
Other Information:
- Location: Millard South High School – 14905 Q St., Omaha, NE
- What to Wear: Students must wear their MN Orchestra uniform.
- What to bring: Bring your instrument and music. Soloists and small ensembles – make sure you have a judge’s score with each measure numbered in pencil. *Mrs. Martinez may have a score as well – double check with her! Hand the score to the judge as you enter the room. If the score is your personal music, make sure it is marked with your name (first and last) and school. If it is borrowed music, make sure it is clearly marked with the owner’s name.
- Food: Make sure to eat before you leave. You may bring snacks/water if needed for after our performance. We will not be eating as a group.
- Scores and Awards: The judge’s scores will be given to the director after you have finished playing. The ratings are I = Superior, II = Good, III = Average, IV = Fair. Awards will be mailed to the teacher for distribution.
- What to expect: After signing in at the registration table, we will be shown to a homeroom where we will unpack and wait for the runner to take us to the warm-up room. We must conduct ourselves quietly and professionally, so we do not disturb the individuals performing. We will perform for the judge (the judges are seasoned, and very nice, string educators) who will give you written and spoken comments. Parents are allowed to listen to the performance.
- Time Limits: Your solo/ensemble length is limited to 5 minutes, 30 seconds in order to allow time for comments and to keep on schedule. Our orchestra will perform 3 selections, followed by a clinic at the conclusion.
- Student Expectations: By being a member of Millard North Orchestra, you have signed on to do your personal best and to respect MSHS’s staff, facilities and equipment, as well as the other teachers and students participating.
It would be best to have 4-5 designated parent chaperones attend. Please contact Mrs. Martinez if you are available to chaperone.
Chaperone Expectations: Thank you for giving your time! Please be available for students and monitor their behavior, especially helping at transition points. Mrs. Martinez will be supervising other events and, consequently, will not be with all the children at all times.
Questions: If you have further questions, please call me at 402-715-1513 (MNHS Music Office) or email djmartin@mpsomaha.org. Thank you for supporting your child in this endeavor!
Millard South High School