March 7th Concert Details for Helpers

Sign Up Genius for jobs linked here.

Set Up Crew:
Part 1 – Arrive to MNHS auditorium by 7 a.m. on March 7 to set up chairs and instruments
Part 2 – Come back at 3:30 PM to finalize set up chairs, stands, podium, piano, risers, and percussion equipment.  

  • Podium, conductor stand, scores, and baton center stage
  • 192 chairs, 80 stands for strings; 22 chairs, 22 stands for winds; percussion chairs and stands as needed to cover parts (at least 5 of each)
  • Front row (A) – 8 chairs, 4 stands
  • Row 2 (B) – 12 chairs, 6 stands
  • Row 3 (C) – 16 chairs, 8 stands
  • Row 4 (D) – 20 chairs, 10 stands
  • Row 5 (E) – 24 chairs, 12 stands
  • Row 6 (F) – 28 chairs, 14 stands
  • Row 7 (G) – 30 chairs, 15 stands
  • Row 8 (H) – 22 chairs, 11 stands
  • Row 9 (I) – 29 chairs, 20 stands
  • 3 levels of risers, 2 risers per level *we may not have space for risers*
    • Level 1 – 7 chairs, 7 stands (flutes/clarinets)
    • Level 2 – 5 chairs, 5 stands (horns/bass clarinet/bassoon)
    • Level 3 – 7 chairs, 7 stands (trumpets/trombones/tuba)
  • Percussion equipment and stands. 
  • Block off seats in audience for middle schoolers.
  • Curtains – back curtain down, legs adjusted
  • Microphone
  • Nametags/numbers on chairs
  • Signs on doors
    • North Middle in girls’ dressing room
    • Kiewit in boy’s dressing room
    • North High in band room
    • Overflow in choir room
  • Post seating chart spreadsheet in MPR and dressing rooms.
  • Programs
  • Door monitors
  • Light monitors

Tear Down Crew:

Arrive to MNHS auditorium by 7:15 p.m. to watch concert and put away chairs and equipment afterwards.   When concert ends and stage clears, stack chairs, rack stands, put risers and piano back, move everything where it goes, make sure stage, choir room, orchestra room, band room look like they did before we were here!

  • Stands on Stand racks.
  • Chairs returned to racks.
  • Podium to MPR
  • Music picked up for filing
  • Signs and chair stickers removed and recycled
  • Percussion equipment returned to band room
  • Stage completely cleared by 9 p.m.

Stage Managers:

Description: Be on hand 5:30 p.m.-end of concert backstage/at sound booth to control lights and handle any other issues that come up during the performance (i.e. chair/stand malfunctions, runner, flow control, etc.)


Description: Arrive by 5:30 p.m. – Before concert: Direct concertgoers and performers to where they need to be.  Pass out programs to attendees at main entrance.  

During concert: Help late-comers find seats as needed.  Man the exits to help people remember that they should only enter in between pieces.  Close the doors when the concert starts and open the main doors when the concert ends.

After the concert: open the doors.  Tell audience “Thanks for coming!”

Middle School Ambassadors:

Description: Arrive at 5:30 p.m.  Be in the rooms with your assigned middle school.  North is in choir room, Kiewit is in dressing rooms.  Lead the kids out to the auditorium for the rehearsal, then sit with them during Alt. Styles and Concerto performance, then lead them to the stage for their part of the concert.  Be on hand afterward if they need help finding things, getting cleaned up, and heading home.

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