
Orchestra Party at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch!

Vala’s has made us aware that fire pits are not an option due to the recent burn ban in effect. Those of you who have been in the MNHS orchestra program for a while may remember this same thing happened a few years back. Here’s the (slightly modified) plan:

We’ll still have a gathering! I’ll be there 6-8 p.m. – families are welcome to come to Vala’s before that if you’d like!

We will still have campsite #19 available, which is a great place for students to meet up with their friends and have some snacks before heading out to the other areas of the park.

If you’d planned on bringing hotdogs or buns, please consider sending a handheld food that does not require cooking (like sandwiches or wraps)

If you’d planned to bring s’more ingredients (graham crackers/marshmallows/mini chocolate bars) please bring an alternative like cookies and frosting (to dip cookies in!)

If you’d planned to bring other snack items, your plans have not changed 🙂

Take a look at the sign-up genius as I’ve made some changes to the requested food items.

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, Oct. 9, 6-8 p.m.  See this link for more information.

Orchestra Party at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch! Read More »

Football Concessions

One way we earn money to support our program is by selling concessions at home football games! It’s a great way to earn letter points, meet new friends, and serve the community. 

There are five home games this year.  We need 6 students and 2 adults at each game.  Please sign up here!

We appreciate everyone who worked last Friday’s game and all who have signed up to sell concessions at Buell Stadium next game night. (10/11/24, 6 pm – 9pm)!  

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The First Concert!

First concert is Thursday, Oct. 3, at 7 PM! 

This is a required, graded assignment for all MNHS Orchestra students. 

Attention Students:
All Symphony Orchestra students (from 1st, 2nd, and 6th hours) are to report to the auditorium Thurs, Oct. 3rd, during 2nd hour for our only rehearsal as a full ensemble.

Orchestra students report at 6:30 PM for warm-ups; concert should conclude by 8:15 PM. 

We do have a concert attire dress code – long-sleeved black dress shirt, black dress slacks, black dress shoes, black dress socks that go to mid-calf.  More detailed guidelines may be found in the orchestra handbook.  (Students, remember to turn in your concert attire photo in Google Classroom.)

MNOrch concerts are a good time!  Please plan to attend, and invite your neighbors, friends and family as well!  Our kids do great work – it will be an evening to remember!  Plus, we all bring refreshments for after the concert (please sign up to bring refreshments!

We have our concerts recorded by a professional videographer, who also provides a livestream on YouTube, so friends and family can watch from wherever they may be!  The YouTube link is only distributed via email from Mrs. Martinez.

Please advertise our concert on social media! I’ve created a graphic (attached) if you’d like to use it.

The Program can be found here.

The concert attire!

  • Option 1: 
  • Black, long-sleeved button down dress shirt with a collar
  • Black necktie
  • Black belt
  • Black dress slacks (NOT jeans)
  • Black dress socks
  • Black dress shoes
  • Option 2:
  • Black, long-sleeved blouse with modest neckline (crew neck or button down dress shirt preferred)
  • Black dress slacks (NOT leggings, jeans, or yoga pants) – can be slim fit or boot-cut style slacks
  • Black dress socks or nylons
  • Black, closed-toed dress shoes

If your child would like to purchase a used, floor-length black dress for concerts, we have some available for $40 each.  Please contact Mrs. Martinez if interested.

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Orchestra Parent Meet-and-Greet

Monday, September 16, at 7:00 p.m. in MNHS Lecture Hall C

Lecture Hall C is upstairs – park on the east side of the building and enter through the main doors.

Our main goals are to meet and greet each other as orchestra fans, learn about ways to get involved, and get ready for the September and November concerts.

Can’t make it? Check out the slides for more information!

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UNK All-State Orchestra Camp

UNK Music Department is excited to hold its annual UNK All-State Orchestra Camp on Saturday, August 24, 2024 (8:30am – 4:30pm).

The camp is open to string students (rising 8th to 12th grades). Participants in this event will have opportunities to work with UNK music faculty and a guest clinician in multiple sessions, including All-State excerpts prep, orchestra rehearsals, masterclass, college audition prep, performances, and more.

Registration deadline is Monday, August 19. We hope you will encourage your students to save the date and join us for an event of music learning and great activities. For more information and registration:

Click image to open pdf file.

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Orchestra Picnic

This Friday, August 23, 3:45-5:45 PM at Cottonwood Park!

We’ll meet at the pavilion on the east side of the park. Please bring the snack assigned to your last name: A-H = salty snacks, J-N = sweet snacks, P-Z = drinks. Rides need to pick up no later than 5:45 please

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  • Philharmonic (5th hour) students will bring instruments on Friday, August 9. 
  • Chamber and Symphony Orchestra (1st, 2nd, and 6th hour) students will bring instruments starting Monday, August 12. 
  • Do double check your instrument for maintenance: purchasing a new set of strings and getting the bow re-haired are great ways to start ready to make your best sound!

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