District Music Solo and Ensemble Contest
April 23, 2022, at Ralston High School
Students who registered for the team will receive more information individually via email.
District Music Solo and Ensemble Contest Read More »
April 23, 2022, at Ralston High School
Students who registered for the team will receive more information individually via email.
District Music Solo and Ensemble Contest Read More »
April 19 – 7 PM – Here are details, Program, and livestream link:
Student call time is 6:30 p.m. Dress is concert black, except for seniors, who are invited to wear their prom attire!
Seniors will be recognized at this concert. Parents/guardians of seniors are encouraged to attend, as you will get to stand with your senior during the recognition portion of the concert!
Please consider volunteering/donating refreshments for the concert!
Auditorium doors will open at 6:45 p.m.
Here is the livestream link if you can’t attend.
Thursday, May 5th at 5pm
A reminder that students who wish to be considered for an Orchestra Letter Award must complete this document and return to Mrs. Martinez by April 29, 2022 if they would like to be announced at the Awards Night.
(Click [read more…] for a link to the document)
Music Awards Night Read More »
April 9 – Virtual UNO String Olympics – Video submissions due – Any string player, grades 9-12, is welcome to submit a solo and/or small ensemble recording for adjudication by a professional string educator! Fee is $20 per entry.
Let Mrs. Martinez know if you are interested
Virtual UNO String Olympics Read More »
Our event (the Tri-Millard Orchestra Concert) on Thursday the 10th has been postponed until Thursday the 17th (St. Patty’s Day!). With the original weather forecast projecting snow on the original date, our hosts determined it better to move it one week later (and we can use more rehearsal time :). The schedule and itinerary will be the same. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you, but we think it is best for the students, teachers, and our clinicians coming down from South Dakota. Please consult this doc which has more detailed information.
Tri-Millard Orchestra Concert Read More »
Tuesday, March 8, 6:00 p.m. MNHS Auditorium
10-12th grade orchestra students will perform with their 8th grade counterparts. Call time is 6 PM; unpack in the band room. Rehearsal starts at 6:15; concert at 7:30 p.m. The concert will be livestreamed on YouTube
Please sign up to bring refreshments!
Program draft is available here.
More detailed info is linked here.
Concert w/KMS & NMS Read More »
ISO more volunteers to sell Mustang Moolah tickets! What am I saying? These tickets sell themselves!
Each $10 ticket gets the buyer a chance to win $10,000! And, all proceeds go to MNHS to support activities like orchestra! In fact, we earn $5 for each ticket sold.
Click here to sign up to sell!
Saturday, December 11th, 7:30 – 9:30.
Orchestra students are invited to attend our Movie Night this Saturday in the MNHS Band Room.
We’ll watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the 2000 Jim Carrey version).
Please bring a snack to share (chips + dip, or cookies, soda, etc.) and blankets/pillows as we will be sitting on the floor.
Door 30 (the orchestra room door) will be open at 7:30 p.m.
December 13, 2021
Martin Photography will be here Monday to take our group photos during class.
PLEASE WEAR OR BRING YOUR BLUE ORCHESTRA SHIRT so we look coordinated in the photo.
Reminder: If you need a quick reference for an upcoming event, check the calendar on the right sidebar, or go to the Events Calendar link.
Join Tuesday, November 30 at 7 PM in the MNHS Auditorium or online with this link: https://youtu.be/ssB7g6jZEC0
Concert Details:
Option 1:
Option 2:
Winter Concert Nov. 30 @ 7 PM Read More »